未及處理已撒手,預先安排也落空; 跋 見老一輩辭世,往往未及處理生前常言欲辦之事,或雖早已安排,奈何後人自有盤算,而使預訂落空。學佛者若已知積集修途資糧及往生極樂之福德因緣的重要,當於平日勤加努力,以免無常忽臨,難期補足。
Accumulating Merits From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, Accumulating Merits Yutang Lin Not yet managed, already left alone. Comment: I have seen older generation passed away. Often they did not get to handle matters that they used to say they would like to. Or even though they had made prearrangements their descendants, having their own minds, would render those prearrangements useless. Buddhists that have realized the importance of accumulating merits for sustenance on the Dharma path or meritorious conditions for gaining rebirth in Pureland should apply their efforts diligently in daily practices, lest upon the sudden arrival of departure from this life one could hardly expect the accumulation to be amended by others to full sufficiency.
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