夢見「霽」印兆若何?法露等雨濟群生; 跋 北京王居士嘗於夢中見「霽」字印,請余解之。「雨、齊」當為平等潤澤之義,故解為以法雨甘露普濟群生。「雨霽天晴」,故又有煙消雲散(出離塵擾)後普天同享無雲晴空之義。彼既有此吉祥法印之夢兆,余即順緣請彼於暇時刻石,以誌此夢示。
Seal of Ji in Calligraphy ----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Hai Ying below I had written the attached poem in calligraphy. Calligraphy file also attached. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: hui02168 上師您好! 請求〈“霽”印〉墨寶,非常感謝!
Seal of Ji Seal of Ji Yutang Lin Seeing a seal of word Ji in a dream, what be
the omen? Comment: Upasaka Wang in Beijing once saw a seal of the Chinese word Ji in a dream, so he asked me to explain it to him. The Chinese word Ji consists of the word Yu (rain) on top and the word Qi (even) below. Hence, the dream should be conveying the meaning of showering equal benefit. Therefore, I interpreted the dream to signify showering Dharma nectar equally on all sentient beings so as to benefit them. One original meaning of the word Ji refers to the sunny sky after rain just stopped. Hence, there is also an additional meaning of, after the clouds dispersed and smokes vanished (after having renounced worldly concerns), all in the world will share the cloudless sunny sky (signifying the attainment of Dharmakaya). Since he had received this dream omen of such an auspicious Dharma seal, I acted in accordance with the dream by asking him to carve such a stone seal in leisure. Thereby this teaching through a dream would be pronounced.
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