離牽纏 林鈺堂 恆順機緣施教化,慈悲接引達解脫; 跋 或謂佛教徒當恆順眾生,慈悲利眾,因此對他人之請求應盡量成全。若是不滿其願,即責以「不夠慈悲」。 其實慈悲是要徹底救脫眾生超出輪迴;恆順眾生是指順應眾生的根性及機緣來給予覺道上的教化。若只是一味順應其愚癡妄想,豈不是同陷煩惱之牽纏,又那能在覺道上有任何進展?行者要堅持菩提發心及行徑,而不受世間考慮的左右,才能長遠真正利益眾生,才是修習慈悲。 二○○三年十二月九日
----- Original Message ----- From: "Yutang Lin" To: "hongfu" Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:41 AM Subject: Calligraphy Requested by Hong Fu_由虹福提請的翰墨:離牽纏 Upon disciple Hong Fu's request I had written one poem and one phrase, Bei
Xin Zhi Yong, meaning to function wisely based on a compassionate mind, in
calligraphy. All related files attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang 敬愛的師尊: 弟子在一個網站討論版擔任版主,曾以師尊二○○七年三月廿九日所作〈悲心智用〉中〈何以執此?〉及〈父嚴母慈〉之解說貼文討論,弟子將重點放在「智慧教導直指空,一概不許死裡活」〈父嚴母慈詩〉;「智慧教導如嚴父,一掃妄緣全歸空; 禪門毒辣無肯路,逼到絕處待活轉」 弟子曾有幾年時間,每天拜普賢十大願王,常以之自勉惕勵,其中「恆順眾生」在虹福的菩提道上佔了很大的比重。因緣巧合的,四大名山中第一座朝聖的是峨嵋山。 恩師教誨弟子,對一切眾生都要慈悲,弟子沒有智慧,在生活中,常做濫慈悲的事。只要有個認為該幫卻沒做到幫助的人,往往不去深思是「該幫而不幫」,或是「幫了反而會害他」,只是一味地懊惱為何不多幫一點。多幫一點的結果,若遇到幫忙的對象周邊的人對我們並不了解,難免偶成誤會,反而自己吃到苦頭又害人慧命。虹福應是屬於必須「逼到絕處」才知「活轉」的笨傢伙! 師尊二○○三年十二月九日之作〈離牽纏〉,跋曰:「恆順眾生是指順應眾生的根性及機緣來給予覺道上的教化。若只是一味順應其愚癡妄想,豈不是同陷煩惱之牽纏,又那能在覺道上有任何進展?」正是教導弟子要〈悲心智用〉, 已常提醒自己,並且會向再根囉唆──慈悲要有智慧!好像變聰明了哦!聰明當然不夠,但願諸佛菩薩加持弟子智慧增長! 師尊的詩偈,有些相互融通,虹福每拿來以詩解詩,讀詩也可一邊玩,自得其樂──這可不是一般成語,虹福真正enjoy無窮樂趣! 這首詩偈弟子數月前就複製在討論版的規劃欄裡頭,當話題適當時,將貼文於版上,在此敬謹提請師尊賜墨寶書寫〈離牽纏〉一詩,要是再恭請師尊書〈悲心智用〉四字,不知是否恰當?若與《浴塘游詠》一書的規劃不符……,虹福不敢說心裡在想什麼! 敬頌 虹福 合十 Away from Entanglement Yutang Lin Always provide teachings adequate to recipient and situation. Comment: Some claimed that, since Buddhists should always get along with sentient beings, and benefit beings with a compassionate attitude, they should endeavor to fully satisfy others' requests or demands. If their wishes were not met, then they would blame Buddhists as being "not compassionate enough." The real meaning of being compassionate is to endeavor to ultimately save sentient beings from transmigration in the cycles of life and death. The real meaning of getting along with sentient beings is to provide adequate teachings and guidance toward enlightenment in accordance with the situation and propensity of sentient beings. If the meaning were simply to go along with sentient beings' ignorant delusions, then the result could be nothing but being trapped together in sorrowful entanglements. Thus, how could there be any advancement on the path toward awakening? A practitioner should uphold Bodhi intentions and actions steadfastly, without being swayed off the right course by worldly considerations. Only then could a practitioner truly benefit sentient beings in the long run, and could a practitioner truly cultivate compassion. Written in Chinese on December 9, 2003 [Home][Back to list][Away from Entanglement] |