越網超拔 林鈺堂 欲代求渡缺機緣,數位影像廣慈航; 跋 佛友黃百肋博士在旅遊時,途經墳場,輒思超薦。未有數位相機前,往往諸多不便,難以實行。近來則一機隨身,遍攝所遇墳地之各方面,登諸某相片網頁,再邀我上網參訪。我一邊瀏覽,一邊持咒加持亡者眾。又將墳場名稱記下,加入下次頗瓦超渡之列。在一個月內,連同他所尋獲的其他墳場網頁,我已如此「虛擬造訪」五十七墳場矣。 其他佛友若欲倣行,請將相片陳列於網頁,再邀我上網參訪,以免耗時下載相片檔。
Powa over Internet Yutang Lin Lacked proper tools to request blessings for the dead; Comment: In the past while Dr. Juan Bulnes was travelling he often thought of sending photos of cemeteries he encountered to me for Powa service. However, often it was not very easy to carry such things out. Now with the availability of digital cameras and Internet services it has become rather easy to do this wherever he goes. He would bring a digital camera along, take photos of all major aspects of a cemetery that he runs into, post them at a website that provides photo services, and then send me an invitation to visit and view those photos. While I watched slide show of such photos I would chant the Mani mantra or the mantra of Green Tara for the deceased in the cemetery. Then I would write down the name of the cemetery and the city and state of its location, and include those deceased in the next Powa service. It has been one month since we started this practice, and I have already done such "Virtual Cemetery Visits" for 57 times. This includes photos of cemeteries that are posted at some websites that Juan discovered. If other Buddhists would like to follow Juan's approach to build bridges for Powa services over Internet, please post the photos at some website and then send me an invitation for me to do my virtual visit. In this way we can save me the download time that I cannot afford with my low-speed connection..
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