三身法印 林鈺堂
跋 北京王居士以其冶印恩師楊先生多年佳作組成印譜,以供呈大海龍王菩薩,並慷慨發心願悉數贈余,以申供養,以求眾生早日得渡。余回以個人見解,好物不宜多收,以便他人分享。若得佳物,亦當分與能鑑賞者,以達物盡其用。因就所呈十二印中,擇三印,並釋之曰:
王居士伉儷悉心經營,多番整備,集成文房珍品一箱,郵寄今日安抵。三身法印遂得連袂蒞臨。王居士更研考金文,以示珍重,再依之雕鏤拙作〈三身法印〉詩於「無量壽」印壁。余深感其隆重盛情,而信彼伉儷必因此而蒙佛佑。 謹就彼原附之三身印文,掃瞄成檔,附於此後,以供眾同賞。願有緣見聞者,咸証佛之三身,普濟含識!
Three-Kaya Dharma Seals ----- Original Message ----- As requested below by disciple Kai Xin, one poem is in calligraphy and attached. From: 開心 Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 4:38 AM To: 師佛 Subject: 請求〝三身法印〞寶墨
請求〝三身法印〞寶墨,不勝感謝! 祝師佛聖體安康長久住世!
Three-Kaya Dharma Seals
Three-Kaya Dharma Seals Three-Kaya Dharma Seals Yutang Lin Gracious teacher's fine works would be presented as offerings. Comment: Upasaka Wang of Bei Jing presented a hand scroll of a series of seals, that were carved by his gracious teacher, Mr. Yang, in such fine art, as offering to the Bodhisattva, the Dragon King of the Great Ocean (Pacific Ocean). Furthermore, he expressed the generous willingness to send all those seals to me as offerings so as to pray for all sentient beings' earlier enlightenment. In my reply I expressed my view that one should not gather too many good things so that others may share good things, and that, when one has in possession some good things, one should share them with those who could appreciate them so that those good things are put to better uses. Therefore, from among the twelve seals on the scroll I chose three and provided the following interpretation:
In addition, I prayed with the well-wishing: May the right cause for your future perfect attainment of the three kayas of Buddha be established through this offering of the Three-Kaya Dharma seals! Written in Chinese on July 4, 2003
South Lake Tahoe, California
Upasaka Wang and his wife wholeheartedly contrived and prepared through much efforts to have collected a big box of treasures for a Chinese literate study (brushes, ink, inkstone, seals, etc.), and mailed it to me. It arrived safely today. Thus the Three-Kaya Dharma Seals had arrived together. Upasaka Wang had further researched the ancient character style known as Jin Wen, Gold Script, to express his sense of preciousness, and used the style to engraved my Chinese poem "San Shen Fa Yin" (Three-Kaya Dharma Seals) on one side of the seal "Wu Liang Shou" (Immeasurable Longevity). His solemn and profound feelings are deeply felt by me, and I believe that he and his wife will certainly receive Buddha's blessings through such devotion. Using the sheet with these three seals stamped by him I obtained a scanned file, and it is attached after this article so that all may share the enjoyment of their artistic flavor. May all who comes to see or hear about these seals attain Buddha's three kayas, and thereby universally save sentient beings!
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