符現觀音 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 韋馱教示媽尼符,敬信焚化求加持;
符現觀音 跋 余曾蒙韋馱菩薩教示以手書之〈嗡媽尼悲咪吽〉符濟眾。信者焚化該符,即可得韋馱菩薩之加被。 北京王居士於虔誠祈禱、觀想後,將捲成疏鬆圓筒之該符焚化,以領加持。不意於紙灰上竟現出以淨瓶、法衣陪襯之觀音全身像。彼立即祈求使慈容更加明顯,以便攝影弘化,隨即蒙如願之應現。彼傳來電子檔中,有一較易辨認,因誌之,並附於後,以供有緣。
Mantra Sheet Guan Yin Yutang Lin
Comment: Bodhisattva Wei Tuo once revealed the teaching to me on how to make use of the Mani Mantra sheet written in my calligraphy; whoever burns it with devotion would be blessed by the Bodhisattva's help. Upasaka Wang of Bei Jing has great faith in this teaching. A week ago he first made earnest prayer and visualization, and rolled the mantra sheet loosely into a cylinder, then burned it to receive the blessing. Unexpectedly, on the ash sheet there appeared an image of Guan Yin in long robe, with a merciful countenance and a nectar vase. He immediately prayed for the face to become more conspicuous so that he could take a photo to spread the inspiration to others. Only a few minutes later the face did become more recognizable. Among the photo files he sent me there was one that is easier to recognize the image, so I wrote this record down and attached the photo with it, with the hope that some people may have the opportunity to witness this miraculous inspiration.
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