曾小姐與王先生皆年近三十,結婚兩年多,生活美滿,唯膝下猶虛。曾居士依其多年獻瓶蒙佑之經驗,建議彼等請我代獻龍王寶瓶,求龍王慈悲賜助,早生貴子。今年一月四日其女即以電子郵件提出此請,我立即應允,並建議彼等隨喜參加已排定於一月廿七日之綠度母火供,因為綠度母亦即「送子觀音」,彼等隨即遵循。 一月十九日獻瓶圓成。一月廿七日綠度母火供,餘燼之正上方形成一個趴著的嬰兒,頭向著佛桌,而其左股處則有一維妙維肖之小龍。我以傳真告知曾家此稀有之吉兆。 二月十一日,農曆除夕,清晨曾居士夢見一菩薩抱一嬰兒。彼不敢確定是否女兒受孕之兆,僅在月曆上以鉛筆附註「夢孫」二字於當日之下。 二月廿三日,其女告知已有身孕,而受孕即於除夕日,並且當夜夢中見一蛇。我為他們解釋,夢中見蛇,代表龍,足徵此子乃龍來投胎。 綜觀歷程,火供餘燼之預兆與彼父女所得夢兆,完全吻合。並且彼父女得夢之時間皆在受孕之日,可見此次求子,迅速得孕,確為綠度母及龍王之加被所致。如此明確之感應,極為難得,特加記述,以銘佛德。 二○○二年十月廿四日補誌 今晨接曾居士電話報佳音,其女已順利自然安產一女嬰。嬰兒左股有明顯胎記,恰如我七月在其家時之預測。我是根據火供時所顯,左股有龍形,而猜測的。至於出生之日期,雖比預產期早十餘日,卻是在醫師說「此時大小正好出生」後之次日,又恰值觀音紀念日,陰曆九月十九。佛陀及龍王加持之恩實在不可思議! Praying for OffspringYutang Lin
Miss Zeng and Mr. Wang are both around thirty years of age. They have been married for over two years and live happily together. The only regret was that they had had no sign of pregnancy. Mr. Zeng, based on his inspirational experiences of offering vases to the Dragon King, suggested that they ask me to offer a vase on their behalf so as to gain the Dragon King's favor in helping to get an offspring soon. On January 4 of this year his daughter sent me such a request via email. Immediately I agreed to provide the service. I also suggested them to participate in the Green Tara fire puja that had been scheduled for January 27 because Green Tara is the "Guan Yin that brings offspring." Right away they complied with my guidance. On January 19 the vase was offered to the Dragon King. In the ashes of the fire puja to Green Tara on January 27 there appeared a baby lying on its belly with the head toward the altar table. At the left buttock of the baby there appeared a small but vivid shape of dragon. I faxed the Zeng family to inform them of this rare auspicious omen. On February 11, Eve of Chinese New Year, early in the morning Mr. Zeng saw in a dream a Bodhisattva holding a baby. He was not sure if it was the omen that his daughter got pregnant. He simply penciled two Chinese words "Meng Sun," meaning "dreamed of grandson," below the date on the monthly calendar. On February 23 his daughter informed him that she got pregnant on the Eve of Chinese New Year. Furthermore, that night she saw a snake in her dream. I interpreted the dream as seeing a representation of a dragon, and recognized it as a significant sign that the baby is the rebirth of a dragon. When the above events were reviewed as a whole we readily realized that the omen from the ashes of the fire puja coincided exactly with the omens obtained from their dreams. Especially noteworthy is the fact that both father and daughter got the dreams on the day of pregnancy. We therefore concluded that such speedy and fruitful result from praying for offspring is definitely due to blessings from Green Tara and the Dragon King. It is indeed very rare and precious to have so clear and definite inspirational results. Here it is carefully recorded to mark and make public the virtuous merits of Buddhas.
Added on October 24, 2002: This morning Mr. Zeng phoned me the good news that his daughter has just given birth to a baby girl. The delivery was natural and smooth. At the left buttock of the baby there is an obvious birthmark, just as I predicted in July when I was at Mr. Zeng's home. I made the prediction based on the appearance of a vivid shape of dragon on the baby's left buttock that we saw during the fire puja. As to the date of her birth, even though it was a little over 10 days earlier than the normal term, it was exactly the next day after the doctor said, "Now it is the right size to be delivered smoothly." In addition, it is also a special day in honor of Bodhisattva Guan Yin, September 19 of the lunar calendar. Buddha and Dragon King's blessing is indeed amazing! [Home][Back to list][Praying for Offspring][Related work:龍孫因緣] |