自抉 林鈺堂 見地胸襟因人異,各奔前程自抉擇; 跋 人生之途徑,無可勉強,只能尊重各人之抉擇。基於多年修行之體驗,發乎深心提醒一句:只有徹底依循平等地為一切眾生求取離苦得樂的菩提心,方能漸出個人自苦不休的小圈圈。
Personal Choice Personal Choice Yutang Lin Views and magnitudes of mind vary individually; Comment: Paths of life could not be forced upon people; individual choices eventually would prevail, and hence should be respected. Based on many years of Dharma practices, the following advice comes from deep within: Only by thoroughly following the Bodhicitta that aims at gaining freedom from suffering for all sentient beings on an equal basis could one gradually emerge from the tiny circle of endless self-inflicted sufferings.
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