阿表本淨萬法自性空 應馬六甲陳傳光居士三請而作 跋 念首句時,觀一切回歸本淨之明空。次句則觀此明空涵容十方三世而無有限量。三句則體念佛慈普及十方三世一切眾生,而以無量方便接引攝受,使皆還歸本淨。末句則觀眾生皆已成就彌陀,而於日常生活中普遍恭敬一切有情。
Supplication to Amitabha Buddha ----- Original Message ----- It is attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Supplication to Amitabha Buddha Yutang Lin "A" signifies original purity; all things are void of self-nature. Comment: While reciting the first line, visualize that all things return to the clear blue space of original purity. The second line, visualize that the clear blue space concurrently encompasses spaces in all directions and all times in the past, present and future without boundary. The third line, try to realize and appreciate that Buddha compassion extends to all sentient beings in any time and space, and that Buddha uses limitless ways and means to induce all beings toward realizing original purity. Last line, visualize that all sentient beings have attained Amitabha Buddha, and therefore one maintains universal respect to all beings in daily life. After this supplication was written in the early morning hours I went back to sleep. Immediately I saw myself giving Suan Kuang a ticket to the Pureland. I hope that some people would practice this supplication well so that they may reach Pureland for sure.
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