鹿怡苑 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 綠苑人跡尟,靜深鹿駐頻; 跋 寓所後院,除每日撒米餵鳥,上香供山神、土地,以及兩日一次的超渡燒化符紙之外,罕有人到。近來有一母鹿率其幼兒,常來憩止。有時甚至在晨間到來,直至日落方去。也曾於夜間來顧前院,而不食花朵,異於尋常他鹿之習性。麀麑或立或坐,吃草或食米(余撒院中以施鳥雀的),或自理皮毛。彼等坐憩時,喜停駐於樹蔭之內。鹿野苑乃佛陀初次說法之聖地。修行、弘法者之苑地,麀麑自來,或可仿之而稱為「鹿怡苑」。每見彼等悠然憩止,即覺一片祥和。彼等見我家人,或聞門窗響聲,皆安然如常,余因此得以拍攝相片,分享親友。 二○○○年四月二日
Deer Leisure Park Yutang Lin Green yard infrequently visited by people; Comment: Daily I scatter some rice for birds in our backyard. There I also offer incense to the local mountain god and earth god. Every other day I burn some mantra sheets for deceased beings there. Besides these activities we seldom visit the backyard. Our house is in a quiet neighborhood on the hill. Our city has deer that roam in small groups on the hills. Recently a doe and her fawn frequented our backyard almost daily. Sometimes they stayed from around 9 o'clock in the morning until sunset. Sometimes they came to our front yard at night. However, they did not eat the blooming tulips as what other deer used to do. When they were in our backyard they sat or stood, grazed grass or eat some rice that I scattered for birds. They ate only little bit of rice. Sometimes they cleaned their own fur with the mouth. When they sat resting they usually stayed in the shade. Where Buddha gave the first teaching is called "Deer Park"; now that the green yard of a practitioner is frequented by doe and fawn on their own, perhaps it could be called similarly as "Deer Leisure Park." Whenever I saw them sitting in peaceful rest a sense of peace and harmony naturally permeated. When they saw us or heard the noise of doors and windows they remained calm and relaxed. Therefore, I could take photos of them to share with friends and relatives. Written in Chinese and translated on April 2, 2000 [Home][Back to list][Deer Leisure Park] |