說明: 暇時從事 陳上師所著《禪海塔燈》之英譯,已有三年餘。今晨忽得靈感,將老歌〈綠島小夜曲〉結尾之問,依該書中所示之四層,分別做答,一如禪宗之公案,亦可玩味之! 一九九八年九月廿六日
Four Levels of Speechlessness in Calligraphy ----- Original Message ----- The letter of request from Disciple Wang Hao, the original work and my calligraphy are all attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang 提請函全文如下:頂禮金剛蓮華佛林上師! 上師: 昨天早晨已經安抵北京,路上很順利,感謝上師的加持! 很想請您寫〈地藏菩薩祈請頌〉,今天看到已經由傳光師兄提請,無量歡喜。此頌總攝地藏佛德,句句震撼人心, 感人肺腑! 弟子想代眾祈請您書寫〈無語四層〉。
沒有在網站上找到這篇,錄自〈行吟集〉。 弟子已經讀到〈率真〉,感謝師佛! 弟子王浩頂禮謝恩! Four Levels of Speechlessness Yutang Lin Green islet floats on the ocean, lassie in heart; The answer that constitutes the last sentence, in the order of the four stories of Entrance, Exit, Use and Finish, is respectively as follows:
Comments: In my leisure I have been translating Yogi Chens work in Chinese, "Chan Hai Ta Deng" into English as "The Lighthouse in the Ocean of Chan," and the project has continued for over three years. This morning all of a sudden I got an inspiration to provide answers, according to the four stories indicated in that book, to the question posed at the end of a popular Chinese oldie called "Green Islet Serenade." Just as koans in Chan stories, these replies may be pondered upon! Written in Chinese: September 26, 1998 [Related Works: Four Layers of Flowers] [Home][Back to list][Four Levels of Speechlessness] |