所知太有限 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體何事能掌控? 無知可有窮? 小跋 覺悟個人之「所知」遠遜於其「所不知」,因而得以出離對自我之執著。遂作此詩,願有緣者同蒙法益。 一九九八年八月十三日
----- Original Message ----- Both calligraphy and original work files attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Known Too Limited Yutang LinWhat can be controlled? Comments: Awaking to the fact that what is known is incomparable to what is unknown, and thereby renounce attachment to one's self-centeredness. Thus this poem was composed; may readers share the benefits of understanding this Dharma teaching. Written in Chinese: August 13, 1998 [Home][Back to list][Known Too Limited] |