藥師佛聖像流通緣起簡繁轉換 - 繁體曾祚康、 林小玫
Holy Image of Healing Buddha 一、開光感應這尊藥師佛,七年前是在一家傢俱拍賣店請來的,因為看起來令人喜歡,當初只打算擺在客廳當裝飾。民國八十一年六月中旬,林鈺堂博士回國,順便來我家,看到這尊佛像即主動替祂開光。開光後第三天清晨約五、六點左右,我還躺在床上,此尊藥師佛即現一巨大金身,其手從我頭頂重擊,隨即整日全身發熱,尤其舌頭好像燒焦似的,但是覺得很舒暢,整個白天不用去上廁所。當晚即去電美國請問林博士為何如此?林博士說這是開光已請到佛蒞臨,因而感應加持,應是瑞相。從此在家即設置佛堂,早晚焚香、念佛、禮佛,並持誦《金剛經》。林博士並建議我流通此像,與大眾結緣。我就拍攝相片,分贈親友。
Contents |
The Twelve Original Vows of Tathagata Medicine Guru with Lapis Lazuli Light (A translation of the 12 great vows of Healing Buddha from the sutra) |
Miraculous Inspiration of Consecration by Zeng Zuokang, a retired teacher in Taiwan |
Miraculous Appearance at the Top of a Tent by Lin Xiaomei, a teacher at Cao Tun public secondary school, Nantou County, Taiwan |
Printing for Free Distribution to the Public |
Contact for Free Copies |
This image of the Healing Buddha (or Medicine Buddha) was obtained from a furniture auction store seven years ago. Because of its visual attractiveness, the image was originally intended only to be an ornament in the living room.
In mid 1992, when Dr. Yutang Lin visited my home during his trip back to Taiwan, he saw this image and offered to consecrate it. In early morning of the third day after the consecration, around five to six o'clock, while I was still in bed, this image of the Healing Buddha appeared with a gigantic golden body and his hand hit heavily on top of my head. Consequently, my body was very hot the whole day; particularly, my tongue felt like it had been burned. However, the whole feeling was actually very comfortable, and I had no need to use the toilet for the whole day.
That night I phoned Dr. Lin in the U.S. and asked about this phenomenon. Dr. Lin said that it was because the consecration had invited the arrival of the Buddha, hence it was a blessed event and should be a good sign. From then on, I set up an altar at home, and every morning and evening I burn an offering of incense, do prostrations, and chant Buddha names and the Diamond Sutra.
Dr. Lin also suggested that I distribute this image to the public. So I started to take photos of the image for distribution among friends and relatives.
On July 13, 1996, the Zhongxing Reading Society organized a stargazing trip to Hehuan Mountain. It was very hot when the trip started at the foothills, but, after passing Wushe, it started to get foggy and cold. There was a little rain when we arrived at our destination, but everyone still pulled up the tent in high spirits.
Dusk arrived quite early in the mountains. We then had supper and chatted together. While chatting, the rain and wind were getting heavier and stronger. Having nowhere else to go, we could only get back into the tent. Nonetheless, the rain and wind grew so strong that the tempest was roaring fiercely over the valley. It seemed that the light tent we were in would be pulled away anytime.
In such a horrible situation, I just kept chanting NAMO GUANSHIYIN PUSA (Refuge in Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara). Half an hour later, the Healing Buddha image that my brother-in-law, Mr. Zeng Zuokang, gave me, suddenly appeared at the top of the tent. The image was extraordinarily bright in the darkness, and it lasted for about one minute. By that time I was much relieved and gradually fell asleep.
Around eleven o'clock at night, the rain started to get lighter; the sky was cleared by around three o'clock in the morning. Therefore, many of us went out to watch the stars and then the sunrise. It was indeed an unforgettable night.
After these two miraculous incidents, I decided to have one thousand color copies of this holy image printed for free distribution to the public. Dr. Lin also asked me to send out positive films of the image to many places in the U.S., Malaysia and Taiwan so that believers everywhere can pint it for free distribution. May all who obtain this holy image worship it with reverence and thereby receive its blessings.
(Please provide your name and mailing address)
Dr. Yutang Lin
705 Midcrest Way
El Cerrito, CA 94530-3310