Wrathful Protector Merciful Inner Face 忿怒護法本面慈
From: Yutang Lin
Disciple Mi En and his wife visited a Hanging-in-Space Monastery in Shan Xi, China. He saw a wall painting that shows a wrathful protector revealing his merciful inner face, and it matches my praise to wrathful protectors as posted at: http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/efiles/p1/p1372.html
See photos attached. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! 願一切眾生早日成佛! 鈺堂
From: 彌恩 今天我和曉燕到山西老家懸空寺玩,景區門口印有永安寺的壁畫,非常精美,其中有十大明王像,有九尊是憤怒相,中間一位明王用雙手剝開自己的忿怒面容,露出慈悲本相,正合上師所作: 忿怒相護法禮讚 http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/b5files/f1/f1771.html 慈憫眾生護正法 呵護心切真情露
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