紅白觀音讚 Guan Yin Praises簡繁轉換 - 繁體20091002----- Original Message ----- Calligraphy done as requested by disciple Jing Xing below. This will be included in appendix to the Lian Yi book.
Guan Yin Praises From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, 弟子請上師敬書以下兩首墨寶,謝謝! 紅白觀音讚 輪迴大海中,慈舟遍遠行,渡盡無邊眾,如尊我亦能! ──摘錄自《紅白觀音儀軌陳氏註解》
白觀音讚 白淨絕塵染,慈悲滿心田,為眾我祈願,事業無障難! --摘錄自《紅白觀音儀軌陳氏註解》
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