往生咒及解冤咒:應四川弟子智宣之請所親書的往生咒及解冤咒。Two Mantras in calligraphy20070208
Two Mantras in Calligraphy ----- Original Message ----- Right now we are printing some mantra sheets in Taiwan. It contains Rebirth in Pureland Mantra and Resolving Karmic Hindrance
Mantra. I also added at the center: Hong Fu and Tong Tou, use this one instead of the older one.
Yutang ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Zhi Xuan in Si Chuan, China wrote me a request, asking for my calligraphy of the mantra for Rebirth in Pureland. See attached 1.doc. May the blessing spread and help many sentient beings! Yutang 南無金剛蓮華佛! 弟子一個大膽而鄭重的請求:至尊佛父您老人家是這個娑婆世界稀有難遇的大德善知識,是弟子等心中無可替代的唯一大師,更是無數幽冥眾生日夜祈禱的觀世音地藏王菩薩合和一體的救苦尊,您老人家的長久住世是我等弟子每日祈禱的頭等大事,而作為 您老人家虔誠忠實的追隨者,也作為一名普通的眾生,弟子覺得有這個歷史責任,應當儘可能的請 您老為這世界留下儘量多的千古流芳的教法及加持聖跡,而密法中的咒輪即是正好可以體現這一菩提理念。因此,弟子鬥膽向 師佛祈請,請您為了過去、現在和未來所有期盼救拔,亟待出離苦難的幽冥眾生能夠早日離苦得樂,超生善道甚或往生淨土,請求大慈大悲的觀世音菩薩真實化身,吾等無數有情的三世依怙主,大恩林公鈺堂大士,再展聖跡,親書《往生神咒》全咒,以助世界各地弟子濟度幽冥眾生之用!弟子愚誠,不揣冒昧,誠心誠意代表六道一切眾生,如是祈請,萬望吾師垂哀聽許,為憫無助有情早得解脫故,慈悲恩允!如蒙聖諾,則實乃眾生之幸、本門之幸、佛教之大幸也! 弟子代表六道父母眾生一心祈禱 師佛、佛母及諸佛子,佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!!
The mantras for Rebirth in Pureland and Resolving Karmic Debts ----- Original Message ----- Detong, Tell Chang Wang that both looks nice, and thanks. This email is Bcc to all on my list so they can all share the two mantra sheets that disciple Chang Wang had rearranged with my calligraphy of the mantras.
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